A Gain in Doing It Again

I write this with a somewhat heavy heart.

I know that I have been missing in action for quite some time. I found myself in an interesting situation and I let life get in the way of many things. But rest assured, I am back.

In all honesty, I cannot lie and tell you that it is easy to get started (again) when you haven’t in a while. Firstly, I let my this connection with you all fall through the cracks in a major way. But I have also found myself having to start back into training. I was on a several month hiatus that I can certainly feel.

So I am beginning again with these two things – and as I get back on the horse, I encourage you to do the same. Whatever that you have been delaying because you “can’t” do because its been too long, start. And now. Tomorrow may not come. And “sometime” does not exist and nor will your success if you wait until then.


While in my “interesting situation,” I took some lessons away. I cannot let “life” get in the way. Sometimes this is inevitable, but I must learn to make the most of every situation. There will always be conditions in which I will be distracted and that cause some variation from the plan. We cannot afford to shut down for months or years because of them. Our future depends on it. And much like this photo, whatever obstacles lie ahead, we likely know how to conquer it - where to begin, how to get over it, around it, or even through it. We even have ample space to execute. We just can't let ourselves get in the way.

I am not writing this to show you a “before” picture so that you can ooh and ahh at my coming success (because it's coming, alright). Just know that I am back on the grind. Starting again is not the end of the world.

Stay tuned and #BeBETTER!


The Year of Transition


The Journey to Better